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"The Pomona Valley Chapter of UNA-USA brings a 40-year tradition of working for peace, human rights, climate justice and international cooperation. Join our community and student members in educating and advocating for the UN."
—Mel Boyrton and Charlene Martin


Our Commitment

The Pomona Valley Chapter of UNA-USA is committed to educating our community about the mission and work of the United Nations and to collaborating with local organizations which are actively working to realize the Sustainable Development Goals in Pomona Valley. Our annual activities include:

Got Questions?

What We Did Last Year

Current Topics
Essay Contest Winner Receives Award
UNA Essay Contest Winner 2019
Booth at Claremont Village Venture
Members and Guests at Chapter Meeting
College Students Show Us the 17 Global Goals
4th of July Booth
UN Day October 24th
Pomona Valley July 2019

Follow Us on Facebook


Charlene Martin


Mel Boynton


John Faranda


Laura Bray


Marjorie Bray

Assistant Treasurer
