Jon Hainer, Treasurer

Jon Hainer was a lender at three very large banks for two dozen years. He co-founded and co-ran a flavored organic peanut butter business for six years. With Marta Stern, he co-wrote The Commercial Loan Review and Audit Manual. Marta and Jon conducted banking credit reviews for a decade. Jon also did work for law firms in various capacities. He then joined the country’s fifth largest accounting firm and later accepted a position from a bank in the loan review function. ​Jon received a B.A. from Lawrence University and an MBA from UCLA. He has been accepted as an expert witness in banking, forensic accounting, and finance by the U.S. Bankruptcy Court and the LA Superior Court. He is the Tabulator for the Radio & Television News Association of SoCal and is active in various community activities including CERT (Community Emergency Response Team) and MYN (Map Your Neighborhood).