United Nations Association of Pomona Valley
An invitation to our Members and Friends
"The Annual Meeting and Dinner"
Sunday, January 28, 2024
6 PM - 8 PM
Napier Center, Pilgrim Place, 660 Avery Rd., Claremont
RSVP: cmartin335@gmail.com or 909-625-9670 by Thursday, January 25.
(There will be ample options for vegetarians).
$25.00 at the door by cash, check, or charge.
6 PM – Dinner: Middle East Cuisine
6:45 PM – Program: The Sustainable Development Goals – presented by Claremont High School Students and their World History teacher, Dr. Molly Arboleta. The students have created a program inspired by books on the SDGs recommended by the United Nations.
7:30 PM – Annual Business Meeting – Brief Reports and Election of Board of Directors.
6:45 PM – Program: The Sustainable Development Goals – presented by Claremont High School Students and their World History teacher, Dr. Molly Arboleta. The students have created a program inspired by books on the SDGs recommended by the United Nations.
7:30 PM – Annual Business Meeting – Brief Reports and Election of Board of Directors.
The United Nations Association of the USA (UNA-USA) is a movement of Americans dedicated to supporting the United Nations. With over 20,000 members (60% under the age of 26) and more than 200 chapters across the country, UNA-USA members are united in their commitment to global engagement and their belief that each of us can play a part in advancing the UN’s mission and achieving the Sustainable Development Goals.