United Nations Association of Pomona Valley
You Are Invite to:
The Annual Meeting of the
United Nations Association of
Pomona Valley
Saturday, January 26, 2025 at
5:30 PM
Napier Center, 650 Avery Road, Pilgrim Place
Dinner: Thai Cuisine - $25 per adult; $15 for students
Food prepared by Joyce Patra
(former owner of “50-50” in Claremont, now Patra’s in Upland)
"Syria—Then and Now"
Dr. Adnan Aswad
Emeritus Professor of Engineering at University of Michigan and Dean of the College of Engineering; an immigrant to the US from Syria; and member of our UNA Board
Gabriel Kartouch
Also an immigrant to the US from Syria with a master’s degree in civil/environmental engineering from CSU, Fullerton; Co-founder of the Syrian American Civic and Cultural Association.

Reports: Treasurer, 2025 Budget, ByLaws, Programs, Advocacy
Election of 2025 Officers and Board of Directors
The United Nations Association of the USA (UNA-USA) is a movement of Americans dedicated to supporting the United Nations. With over 20,000 members (60% under the age of 26) and more than 200 chapters across the country, UNA-USA members are united in their commitment to global engagement and their belief that each of us can play a part in advancing the UN’s mission and achieving the Sustainable Development Goals.