Feb 20, 2024—
“Role of the United Nations in the Israel-Hamas War”

United Nations Association of Pomona Valley and the
International Relations Program of Pomona College

Presents our next Global Issues Program

"Role of the United Nations
in the Israel-Hamas War"

Tuesday, February 20, 2023
7:00 PM

The Global Issues Series is free and open to the public.
Light refreshments will be served.
For more information: 909-625-9670.

Guest Speaker

John Moore, Emeritus Professor of History, California State Polytechnic University, Pomona; co-author of the Encyclopedia of the United Nations and To Create a New World? American Presidents and the United Nations

Char Miller

Guest Speaker

Mel Boynton, Co-president, UNA of Pomona Valley; former president of UNA Southern California Region; Advocacy Chair on the UNA-USA National Council; active in developing the UN Sustainable Development Goals

Mel Boynton

Two experienced UN watchers will discuss past and present actions of the UN relative to the Israel-Palestine conflict and events since the Hamas attack on Israel on October 7, 2023.
The United Nations Association of the USA (UNA-USA) is a movement of Americans dedicated to supporting the United Nations. With over 20,000 members (60% under the age of 26) and more than 200 chapters across the country, UNA-USA members are united in their commitment to global engagement and their belief that each of us can play a part in advancing the UN’s mission and achieving the Sustainable Development Goals.

In person at Claremont UCC Church, 233 W. Harrison Ave.
or on Zoom by contacting una.pomonavalley@gmail.com

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