United Nations Association of San Fernando Valley,San Fernando Valley AAUW Present:
Facilitated by Dr. Soraya Fallah, UNA★USA SFV Vice-President Program/Advocacy Chair
"Human Rights and Iran's
Current Zhina Revolution"
LIVE Zoom Conference
Wednesday, December 7, 2022
7:00-8:30 PM
Learn more about the ongoing revolution in Iran...
Join us on Zoom at
the following link: HERE
Zoom Meeting ID: 482 683 2187
Passcode: BqNUF4
Program will be on Zoom. Please RSVP by calling (310)845-6707 or email unasfv@gmail.com. Follow us on Facebook HERE.
Key Speakers
Ava Homa
Award-Winning Author and Journalist
Dr. Nayareh Tohidi
Professor/Director of ME&IS@CSUN
The United Nations Association of the USA (UNA-USA) is a movement of Americans dedicated to supporting the United Nations. With over 20,000 members (60% under the age of 26) and more than 200 chapters across the country, UNA-USA members are united in their commitment to global engagement and their belief that each of us can play a part in advancing the UN’s mission and achieving the Sustainable Development Goals.
The American Association of University Women, officially founded in 1881, is a non-profit organization that advances equity for women and girls through advocacy, education, and research.