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"Our mission is to generate local support for the United Nations and its commitment to permanent global peace, justice, freedom and well being. ​Won't you join us?"
Ruta Muda Princess Karen Cantrell
President, COACHELLA Chapter UNA

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2021 Events

Luncheon at the Ambassador Private Dining room at the United Nations - Guests of Ahmed Fathi (managing editor American Television News, Inc.), Malka Bas Ruven, Lord Christopher A. Chambers, Ratu Muda Princess Karen Cantrell, Olga Popkovitch, Peter Ludwig Johannes Eckert, and Ahmed Fathi.
At the UNA/USA 2019 Global Engagement Summit in New York: Member Olga Popkovitch, Chairman UNA/USA Coachella Valley Ratu Muda Princess Karen Cantrell and Member Lord Christopher A. Chambers.
At the UNA/USA 2019 Global Engagement Summit in New York - member Olga Popkovitch (left) and Ratu Muda Princess Karen Cantrell (center) Chairman UNA/USA Coachella.

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UNA/USA Coachella Valley Founders Circle honors and recognizes the individuals who have made outstanding financial contributions, devoted their time, energy and talent in establishing and developing the UNA/USA Coachella Valley division.